
Imagine what we'll accomplish in bioscience in the next 10 years

What scientific breakthroughs do you believe we'll see?

"Advances in regenerative medicine will enable the re-growth of tissues like cartilage, bone, tendons and ligaments, ending the need for many joint replacements and surgical repairs."
      - Stephen I. Katz, M.D., Ph.D., Director, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institutes of Health

"I envision rapid progress in the movement of cancer from a lethal disease for 50% of its victims to a manageable chronic disease, if not a cure, for all."
      - Julia H. Carter, Ph.D., President, Wood Hudson Cancer Research Laboratory

"The closing decades of the 20th century witnessed a revolution of biomedical research fueled by innovations in molecular biology. This revolution will dominate the first half of the 21st century, aided by new tools, reaching a true, fundamental understanding of the human brain."
      - Jay Schnitzer, Director, Defense Sciences Office, DARPA

"We will be close to having a broadly effective vaccine for HIV."
      - Margaret G. McGlynn, CEO and President, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative.

"Individuals with paralysis will be able to use artificial limbs using only their thoughts."
      - Leighton Chan, MD, MPH, Chief, Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health.

"New nanotech and molecular technologies will provide maps of brain circuits and functions, yielding insight into how the brain computes thoughts and emotions, and pointing the way toward new mechanisms for treating intractable brain disorders that affect over a billion people worldwide."
      - Ed Boyden, Associate Professor, MIT Media Lab and McGovern Institute, Departments of Biological Engineering and Brain and Cognitive Sciences

"We will increasingly define cancer as digital information derived from abnormalities in the genome. Physicians will use Google-like tools to analyze massive amounts of data to develop personalized disease profiles and select specific technologies tailored for the diagnosis and/or treatment of a patient's specific cancer."
      - Anna D. Barker, Arizona State University, Former Deputy Director, National Cancer Institute

"A world without blindness is no longer a dream. Gene therapies are restoring vision in blind children. Stem cells are replacing retinal tissue lost to age-related disease. Thanks to science, soon everyone will see."
      - Gordon Gund, Chairman of the Board, Foundation Fighting Blindness

"I believe we"ll see a significant reduction in the 15 years it currently takes to move life-saving therapies from discovery to patients. By working together - advocates, foundations, industry, government, academia and investors – with and for patients, we"ll speed up the medical research process and save lives by saving time."
      - Margaret Anderson, Executive Director, FasterCures

"1) The creation of a medical [Star Trek-like] tricorder that allows consumers to use a hand-held wireless device to diagnose themselves - equal to that of a physician. 2) A vaccine for AIDS. 3) Life detected on the subsurface of Mars. 4) A 10-fold increase in battery power storage densities."
      - Peter H. Diamandis, MD, Chairman/CEO, X PRIZE Foundation

"In 2022, artificial intelligence will have produced a global cloud-based medical intervention system where a simple cheek swab will put an individual into a genetic database at birth, allowing preemptive medical intervention for everyone, regardless of financial or social status."
      - Greg Hoffman, Prostate Cancer Foundation (Patient/Survivor)

"A new TB vaccine that can prevent disease in adolescents and adults."
      - Kari Stoever, Aera

"We know which proteins cause cancer to form, grow, and spread, yet we are unable to stop this process because our current drugs cannot alter their functions. In 10 years, we will overcome this scientific stumbling block and have a profound effect on cancer and health."
      - Robert Den, M.D., Department of Radiation Oncology, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

"We will see the emergence of "Magic Johnsons" of oncology – individuals with previously fatal solid tumors who are able to achieve long-term disease control with excellent quality-of-life."
      - Andrew J. Armstrong, MD ScM, Associate Professor of Medicine and Surgery, Duke Cancer Institute

"Computer-driven imaging, navigation and robotics will permit complex surgery anywhere in the world."
     - Harlan F. Weisman, M.D, And-One Consulting

"A point-of-care diagnostic tool for the differential diagnosis of fever in children from leading causes of death such as malaria, respiratory infections, and tuberculosis will save hundreds of thousands of childrens' lives."
      - Don Joseph, CEO, BIO Ventures for Global Health

"The development of personalized medicine in gene therapy to diagnose and manage chronic diseases earlier; virtual hospitals and clinics with devices that remotely monitor medical conditions."
      - Dr. Raymond Chua, Group Director, Health Products Regulation Group, Singapore Health Sciences Authority

"Stem cells generated from a patient"s own blood and skin samples will allow us to do clinical trials in a dish. We will treat patients with individualized drugs and therapies tailored to their genetic type."
      - Susan L. Solomon, CEO, The New York Stem Cell Foundation

"We will be able to screen individuals for cellular changes early in disease, thereby treating on an individual basis before the disease has the ability to progress to a dangerous state."
      - Angela Moskow, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Wellness, Sanofi

"The administration of natural or genetically engineered immune lymphocytes with anti-cancer activity will increasingly become a highly effective personalized therapy for patients with a variety of cancer types."
      - Steven A. Rosenberg, M.D., Ph.D., Chief of Surgery, National Cancer Institute

"We"ll begin experimenting with rudimentary genetic programming. Scientists will begin to design modified and completely new genetic sequences. This will lead to advances in medicine, nanotechnology and biology."
      - Maro Sciacchitano, Founder, SnapDragon Energy Systems, LL

"There are targets that offer great hope for a drug that can stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease completely. I believe this will be accomplished within the next 10 years and that the mechanism will be surprising to most scientists."
      - Lawrence Friedhoff, MD, PhD, FACP, Pharmaceutical Special Projects Group, LLCm, Senex Biotechnology, Inc.

"The future of science lies in mobilizing crowdsourcing to resolve scientific problems. The limitations of the closed research environment can be exponentially expanded by outsourcing innovation from the lab to the crowd as shown by online gamers who achieved a scientific discovery within three weeks after scientists had failed for a decade."
      - Shmuel Meitar, Board Member, Prostate Cancer Foundation

"1) Non-invasive treatments for cancer, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy and brain tumors; 2) surgery without incisions or anesthesia; and 3) the means to deliver chemotherapeutics directly to a tumor, avoiding systemic complications."
      - Neal F. Kassell, MD, Founder and Chairman, Focused Ultrasound Foundation